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Showing posts from 2018

Let Go to Start Fresh

We're almost to the finish line. Just a few days left in 2018. This month, I've spent a lot of time reflecting back on all the good stuff, and all of the challenges of the year. And I've been cleaning. A lot. Partly because the cold germs have hit our house, and partly as a way to let go of the past. I want to welcome 2019 with a fresh start and clear goals. I've cleaned out years of old notebooks from a job I loved long ago, but needed to move on from. I've cleaned out baby clothes and gear I'd held onto, fully accepting that life is perfect as it is. I've donated old clothes of mine that are too big, because I'm only moving forward. I've scrubbed surfaces because eeewww, and unsubscribed from email lists that clutter my inbox daily. Yesterday, we let go of a decade-old laptop. Next to it on a post-it note, I'd written two things in the morning: Backup - laptop and phone Stuff I need - New laptop The laptop officially died before the b...

A Holiday Letter to My Facebook Friends

You’ve seen parts of my life, mainly through cute kid and dog pics. But, I haven’t shared that I officially have a side business. As a virtual coach, I help people reach their fitness and nutrition goals. Until now, I've only talked about this on  Instagram  and my blog, afraid of what people who actually know me might think. That’s kept me from helping others, and prevented me from sharing what’s brought me a lot of joy this year. I've wanted to do something in this arena since I can remember, but didn't think I could. Impostor syndrome is real, people, and it’s time for me to get over it. My husband and his sister inspired me to tell everyone what I’m up to, because they were among the first to join me. I've been dedicated to exercise for most of my life. I've tried a lot of things and reached a lot of goals. My meal planning and prepping keeps our household organized and healthy. My morning routine is solid, filled with activities that make me a better mo...

Setting Goals for 2019

Yesterday was my last day of work for the year at my full-time job. I rarely take more than a day off at a time, so this is major. Now a different kind of work begins. I'll look back at the gratitude journal I kept as part of the #last90dayschallenge. By the end of the year, I'll have 900+ things to look through! This is one practice I'll definitely stick with next year. I'll also look back at accomplishments I've written down throughout the year. I track everything in OneNote, so it syncs on my laptop, tablet and phone. 2018 brought new challenges and opportunities I never saw coming. I need to process what it all means, and use the info to shape my 2019 goals. Instead of focusing on tasks to cross off a list, I'm looking at what brings me joy and a sense of purpose. It's time to pull some dreams down from the attic and make them a reality. Have you taken time to write down all that you've accomplished this year? What are your goals for 2019? ...

Celebrating Success: Reflecting Back on the Year

Do you take time to look back on all that you’ve achieved in a week, a month, or the past year? I’m not so great at this, but I’m putting more effort into it these days. I usually finish a project, or achieve a goal, and I’m on to the next thing. Never stopping to celebrate all of the hard work that went into it. Or to think about the lessons I could learn. What should I do differently? What should I do more of that worked well? Sometimes I get caught up in what I didn’t get done, spending too much energy trying to catch up, or focusing on the “mom fails” of the day. What if we focused instead on the things we did do? Pause. Take a breath, and look back. Think about how much you’ve accomplished this year! It can feel pretty amazing to write it all down. I use OneNote to capture my thoughts so I can look back over several years. What positive things have you done to improve your life? What can you learn? What are you most proud of and why?  How can you do more of tha...

Working Out With a Plan

I posted this story on @amythoey , but wanted to share here as well. Keep reading through the finish line to learn about my Winter Warriors group. And just try not to get that song in your head... Those are my finisher medals and race bibs from 10 marathons, 28 or so half-marathons and countless other races. Okay, not really countless. There's a spreadsheet. Because I’m that girl. My marathon in May was my 80th race. I love looking back at the different cities and states my husband and I have traveled to for races. My list doesn't have three rows dedicated to Boston, but we joke that he's never run as long as I have - in hours anyway. Most years, I'd sit here making a list of all of the races I want to do next year. Things have shifted for me since that marathon. I've changed my goals from miles per week and races to finish. It was time to heal. It was time to build strength in areas I'd neglected for too many years. It was time for new physical and me...

Why Wait Until January?

December is a great time to start working on health and fitness goals. Small changes can really add up. A simple first step is to drink more water. Divide your weight in half. Drink that many ounces of water every day. Keep a log and see how you feel. Make another positive change next week. Take an Epsom salt bath on Sunday night, or add a few more blocks to your morning walk. I've always been committed to exercise, but this summer I realized that I needed to heal some nagging injuries and focus on strength. My body and mind were feeling burned out and bored. My nutrition was hit or miss. Once I decided I was ready to take more positive steps to feeling better, I re-committed to drinking a lot of water. I'm also setting aside time each day for self-care and personal development. I've participated in online accountability groups, and now I'm starting one of my own. I've also completed four "non-running" fitness programs that have changed me inside...

Spinach and Salmon Salad with Chopped Apples

I'm de-puffed and re-energized after three days of focused nutrition + yoga. I stuck to clean eating today, including this great lunch. I prepped two more portions for future lunches. Makes 1 Serving 2 c. chopped spinach 1/2 small apple chopped 1/3 can Wild Pink Salmon - @wildplanetfoods is great! You could also use tuna 1 T finely chopped red onion 1 tsp. olive oil Splash apple cider vinegar Dash salt 1/2 tsp. Dijon mustard 1 T pumpkin seeds (roast them dry in a pan until slightly browned) Mix oil, vinegar, salt, mustard in a jar. Shake to mix. Layer spinach, salmon, apples. Add dressing and mix. Top with seeds. Looking to reset your eating before the holidays? Reach out and I can tell you about the simple plan I followed.

A Few of My Favorite Things

It's almost December my friends. It's happening. And it's snowing. So I'm starting to think about fitness and self-care gifts. And moving to Florida. Here are some things that bring joy to my life that you can gift, or put on your own wish list. Runner's World Wall Calendar I have this on auto-ship, so I'm delighted every November when it arrives. Running Medal Hanger My blue  Running Girl Marathon Runner Race Medal Display Rack  isn't available on Etsy anymore, but I know there are others out there. It makes me happy and reminds me of all the amazing places I've explored while running. ASICS Intensity Single Tab Running Socks Like running on clouds. Unlimited Workouts at Home When it's cold and icy, I still workout before anyone is up. It saves so much time! I have what's basically the Netflix of workout programs. If you need help picking the perfect program,  send me an email . Lip Balms I just ordered  Tea Tree Lip Balm  becau...

Self-Care Isn't Selfish

I get up early. Really early. Before birds, squirrels and bunnies. Even during the holidays, I know that I need to come first or I'm no help to anyone else. And I'm not much fun to hang around with. The rare days that I don't get up before the rest of the house, I'm just not myself. I've posted about my morning routine in the past, but your self-care should fill your cup. What brings you joy? What gives you confidence to Wonder Woman or Superman through your day? Start by getting up just 15 minutes earlier for a week. Then increase that by 10 to 15 minutes each week, until you're giving yourself a full hour or more just for YOU . Is this easier in the summer when the birds are awake first? Yes. But you can do this. You need to do this. You matter. And you deserve to start your day living in positivity. Here are some ideas of what you could do with all of this new time you're going to devote to yourself: Drink 16-20 ounces of water before your cof...

Prep for the Holiday Road Trip

We're heading to my husband's hometown next weekend for Thanksgiving. He's the youngest of six, and it's great when we all can meet up. I love how relaxing it is there. I actually sit for more than 15 minutes at a time, and usually take at least one nap - not typical for me. Our daughter cannot wait to see her older cousins, and to eat grandma's treats. I'm taking time today to plan ahead. Here are some things I'll do to prep for the car rides, and to keep up my healthy morning routine while I'm there. Packing for Snacking Snacks - a lot of snacks - ensure a peaceful car ride, and help keep me on track when faced with a kitchen full of treats at grandma's. I try to stick with proteins, veggies, fruit and nuts. I also add in some fun foods we don't typically have around the house. Carrots, red peppers, cucumbers, wash and cut Clementines and apples Krave Gourmet Beef Cuts - Sea Salt Ferndale Market Uncured Cranberry Turkey Sticks Apples...

Hit Reset - No Excuse November

Sooo much candy in our house. How does this happen? We're a very healthy house until October rolls around and the child hauls home 20 pounds of candy. Then it's cake and ice cream for her birthday, and then it's Thanksgiving, and the loads of treats at work... Sound familiar? It's hard to stick with healthy eating and exercise this time of year. I rarely stray from the working out part. But it's cold and dark and all the feelings rush in. I miss my mom so much this time of year. She LOVED fall and the holidays. And made everything fun and special for us. We lost her to cancer in 2001, and every year I feel my heart aching. I find myself nibbling on things I don't touch the rest of the year. But that does not make anything feel better. Working out in the morning, and getting out for a walk or run with my dog always helps. I did a lunchtime run today and it was just what I needed to clear my head. So now it's time to bring the good eating back. A few days ...

Schedule Things That Make You Happy

A friend posted a question in a group I belong to, asking what we could add to our schedule more often that makes us happy. I read a lot of great ideas - connecting with friends, going to movies, reading, drinking delicious teas, and getting things OFF the schedule to free up time for fun. I shared that I want to schedule  dates with my husband. I like the guy, and we rarely get time alone to connect. And we're terrible about asking for help. The thought of trying to find a sitter frequently stops us in our tracks. Real thoughts from last Wednesday, "I'd love to see this concert at First Ave. We'd need a sitter. I don't know who we'd ask. Guess I'll go make dinner." I need to make a plan, so I started a list of ideas that morning. Most involve eating food indoors since we already have snow on the ground. This exercise has me dreaming of summer though - picnics, kayaking, fish tacos at Sea Salt. I live by my calendar and OneNote lists. By the ...

Working Out at Home

As many people can relate to, my fitness journey started with school sports, and Jane Fonda VHS tapes. And Get in Shape Girl…anyone else? But, once I joined a gym and started running, workouts only took place outside my home. Either on the gorgeous trails nearby, or in group fitness classes. A home workout no longer appealed to me. When I had my daughter, I still took fitness outside. It was a great way to clear my head and get out and do something just for me. Then my husband started traveling. A lot. So, workouts either didn't happen, or, I squeezed them in over lunch. At that time, I was one of the lucky people who had showers and a locker I could use at work. My perspective on home workouts has changed a lot since summer. I ran my 10th marathon in May and needed something different. Strength, mobility and healing became my new goals. I made a choice to change my mindset about working out at home, and it's made a huge difference in my life. I've been an early ris...

Plan to Finish the Year Strong

Staying on track is hard for me this time of year. It's dark, and it's getting cold. I looked at the 10-day and felt my shoulders drop. Highs in the 30s and 40s with some mention of rain and snow. Winter dread is real, people. I glance at Princess Leia's giant bucket of Halloween candy. And the even more gigantic bucket of candy my husband brought home. We had exactly zero kids this year. None. Next up is my daughter's birthday. Every year I make a really cool doll cake. It's a tradition she loves and I love it too. But it means more sugar and chocolate around here. Soon after, it's Thanksgiving - with both families. And Christmas, and then hibernation month - I mean, January. All of the events and holidays make it hard to keep moving towards my goals. My daughter wants me to have treats with her. I get "the looks" from family when I pass on dessert or second helpings. But I do NOT want to start over on January 1. So, instead of focu...

Morning Shake Recipes

I blend my morning shake with my powerful and extremely loud Ninja blender . Seriously, I plug my ears when I run it, and my daughter runs away. It came with two smoothie cups, so I make two at a time when I meal prep. I add everything except the frozen ingredients, give it a quick shake, and put them in the fridge until I'm ready to blend. Your smoothie or shake should taste great and fuel your morning. Whether or not you drink Shakeology , follow timed nutrition or other Beachbody plans, you can try some of my favorites to keep your taste buds happy. I loosely measure liquids and veggies, but I'm more precise when measuring the others. I use containers that came with 80 Day Obsession . I add items in the order shown so the dry ingredients don't stick to the cup. 8 oz liquid Water Unsweetened flax milk (dairy isle) Unsweetened coconut milk (dairy isle) I add extra water if it seems too thick One scoop of high-quality protein Whey Vanilla, Chocolate, Cafe Lat...

LIIFT4 done!

I finished my last LIIFT4 workout! For me, finishing a Beachbody program brings up all the feels that marathons do. All of the time, sweat, and hard work paid off in gains in confidence, strength and mobility, and loss of inches. 8 weeks flew by, and I'm stronger than ever. I wanted to share some thoughts for anyone thinking about LIIFT4 . Shorter workouts LIIFT4 workouts are 30 to 40 minutes. It's fast-paced and you're done before you know it. Don't get me wrong, I LOVED 80 Day Obsession . It was my first Beachbody program, and I never minded that a lot of the workouts were 60 minutes. But, when I started LIIFT4, my work life and personal life were hectic. I was juggling too many projects, my husband was traveling regularly, and we changed up routines when our daughter started Kindergarten. Fewer days LIIFT4 is only four workouts a week for eight weeks. I tried to stick to Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. The program is designed with rest days Wednesday, Satu...

Morning Routines

I'm participating in the #last90days challenge that Rachel Hollis and her husband Dave are hosting. This week's theme is habits, and yesterday's live stream was about establishing good morning routines. They talked about the importance of not hitting the snooze button, and waking up at the same time everyday. I used to sleep in. Then I became a runner. Summer months in Minnesota are steamy. My Texas relatives laugh when I say this, but it does get hot here. I'd rather run first thing in the morning before the blazing sun adds to the "feels like" temperature. And, it's great to have a run logged before heading to work. I also used to go to Body Pump at the Y at 5:30 twice a week. My husband thought I was crazy. He's the night owl of the family. I had my daughter almost six years ago. That's another reason I get up early. In addition to squeezing in a workout, I also had needed to squeeze - I mean pump -  before running. So, I've been waking...

TC Marathon Sunday

I love Twin Cities Marathon Sunday! When I'm not participating, I like to get the dog out for a walk early, bring her home and head out for a solo out-and-back long run on Minnehaha Parkway and West River Road. It's so quiet on race morning. The only cars are the Park Police getting the ready for the leaders. Once I turn around to head south, there's a lot of activity at the water stops. People start arriving at their favorite places to cheer. I haven't logged many long runs these days, since I'm mainly focusing on strengthening with LIIFT4, but I had to get out today. It smelled like fall with fires and bacon wafting through the air. The trees along my favorite spots are just starting to turn. I tried to take it all in before the leads started coming through. After a little run/cheering I headed home to clean up. I'm not in great running shape at the moment, but felt proud I could still crank out 7.5 miles. I collected my husband, daughter, dog, and 3 cow...


Today I visited my physical therapist for a check-up. I hadn't been there since May, right before the Lake Wobegon Trail Marathon. I kept meaning to check-in, but life really happens sometimes, and we put off some of our favorite and most productive forms of self care for 4+months. Oopsie. I was a little nervous, but excited to see the results of my hard work this summer. I know I'm the strongest I've been since my 20s, thanks to 80 Day Obsession, my PT exercises that I'm still very dedicated to fitting in, and now LIIFT4. But I wasn't sure how the healing and strength were in the hamstring that had hurt so badly after an injury in March. My PT confirmed that my hard work paid off, and I felt pretty proud. No dry needling or lasers needed today. There was no need for "therapy," and we could finally start adding exercises just focused on isolating the hamstrings. I think I should always have some sort of a coach in my life, whatever form they take - o...

And I'm Back

So, my last post was seven years ago? A lot has happened since then. I had my daughter in 2012. I changed jobs a couple of times, threw in a couple more marathons, and here we are. I'm ready to start writing again. I ran my 10th marathon in May, which was my fourth fastest. I was really proud of that accomplishment after a brutal winter of training, and a weather-related injury. My TC Orthopedics physical therapists never doubted that I'd get to the finish line. One of them even ran the same marathon! They helped ease the hamstring pain and and taught me exercises to strengthen the weak runner's butt. I felt great on race day and was blessed with perfect weather. For me finishing a marathon is followed by a honeymoon phase filled with pride and excitement. But, it also brings up questions like, when will I do all of that great creative thinking I do on my mid-week runs? How can I possibly justify three hours to myself on Saturday mornings now? And, inevitably, will I do...