Yesterday was my last day of work for the year at my full-time job. I rarely take more than a day off at a time, so this is major. Now a different kind of work begins. I'll look back at the gratitude journal I kept as part of the #last90dayschallenge. By the end of the year, I'll have 900+ things to look through! This is one practice I'll definitely stick with next year.
I'll also look back at accomplishments I've written down throughout the year. I track everything in OneNote, so it syncs on my laptop, tablet and phone.
2018 brought new challenges and opportunities I never saw coming. I need to process what it all means, and use the info to shape my 2019 goals. Instead of focusing on tasks to cross off a list, I'm looking at what brings me joy and a sense of purpose. It's time to pull some dreams down from the attic and make them a reality.
Have you taken time to write down all that you've accomplished this year? What are your goals for 2019?
If some of those goals are tied to fitness and nutrition, I'd love to connect. Let's talk about plans that work for your interests and time. I have a virtual group you can join for support, ideas, and accountability.
Message me through Instagram. Or fill out my contact form under the blog menu, and I'll get back to you by email.
Now is the time put in the work to prepare for a great new year.
I'll also look back at accomplishments I've written down throughout the year. I track everything in OneNote, so it syncs on my laptop, tablet and phone.
2018 brought new challenges and opportunities I never saw coming. I need to process what it all means, and use the info to shape my 2019 goals. Instead of focusing on tasks to cross off a list, I'm looking at what brings me joy and a sense of purpose. It's time to pull some dreams down from the attic and make them a reality.
Have you taken time to write down all that you've accomplished this year? What are your goals for 2019?
If some of those goals are tied to fitness and nutrition, I'd love to connect. Let's talk about plans that work for your interests and time. I have a virtual group you can join for support, ideas, and accountability.
Message me through Instagram. Or fill out my contact form under the blog menu, and I'll get back to you by email.
Now is the time put in the work to prepare for a great new year.