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Working Out With a Plan

I posted this story on @amythoey, but wanted to share here as well. Keep reading through the finish line to learn about my Winter Warriors group. And just try not to get that song in your head...

Those are my finisher medals and race bibs from 10 marathons, 28 or so half-marathons and countless other races. Okay, not really countless. There's a spreadsheet. Because I’m that girl. My marathon in May was my 80th race.
Me looking at pointing at all of my race medals and finisher bibs from 80 running races.

I love looking back at the different cities and states my husband and I have traveled to for races. My list doesn't have three rows dedicated to Boston, but we joke that he's never run as long as I have - in hours anyway.

Most years, I'd sit here making a list of all of the races I want to do next year. Things have shifted for me since that marathon. I've changed my goals from miles per week and races to finish.

It was time to heal. It was time to build strength in areas I'd neglected for too many years. It was time for new physical and mental challenges.

A quick conversation with a friend opened the door to what was next. I shifted to different kinds of workout programs that I do in a room in the basement. Wait, what?? Inside??

In my mind this is actually perfect for a runner. Someone who craves structure, and knowing what their workout is every day for weeks or months at a time. Someone else builds the plan. I just do what it says. Just like my marathon plans.

I still run my dog, like I did this morning. Sometimes I just need to burn off some real big energy and deal with big emotions or ideas on a solo long run. But I run because I LOVE it - because it's given more to my life than I can put into words. I just no longer feel like it's the only way to fitness for me.

This new way has completely changed how I feel inside and out. I cried when I finished my first program. Just like I did at the finish line in May. I've started sharing the programs with family and friends. And I hope I can inspire others to take a chance on something new.

Winter is a hard time to stay on track, but I want to finish the year strong.

I've started a Winter Warriors group where we track our workouts and shakes, and share recipes and ideas on a really simple app. It can even log workouts automatically. This group runs through March 31. It's going to pull us all through the dark days of winter when it's hard to get our butts out of bed.

We want you to join us! Fill out my contact form on this blog when you're ready to get started. Winter is long, but you don't have to go it alone.