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And I'm Back

So, my last post was seven years ago? A lot has happened since then. I had my daughter in 2012. I changed jobs a couple of times, threw in a couple more marathons, and here we are. I'm ready to start writing again.

I ran my 10th marathon in May, which was my fourth fastest. I was really proud of that accomplishment after a brutal winter of training, and a weather-related injury. My TC Orthopedics physical therapists never doubted that I'd get to the finish line. One of them even ran the same marathon! They helped ease the hamstring pain and and taught me exercises to strengthen the weak runner's butt. I felt great on race day and was blessed with perfect weather.

For me finishing a marathon is followed by a honeymoon phase filled with pride and excitement. But, it also brings up questions like, when will I do all of that great creative thinking I do on my mid-week runs? How can I possibly justify three hours to myself on Saturday mornings now? And, inevitably, will I do another one? Do I have it in me? After #10, it was a quick, "No. At least, not right now."

I love marathon training. I like having a plan for 16 weeks. Someone else who's much smarter and faster than me took the time to create and test this plan. I look at a sheet of paper and just do what it says. And 16 weeks and 4 hours and some odd minutes later, I cross a finish line. For 16 weeks I set my clothes out and fix lunches at night. I'm organized and full of excitement and energy. Then it's just done. No plan. Nothing on the calendar. What now? I feel lost.

I know I'll race again, but this 5'1" body's been through a lot and needed some healing and strengthening. I had ab separation when I had my daughter. In other countries, women take (they're actually given) much more time off after childbirth. It's a given that they'll go to a physical therapist to heal their abs and everything else.

I was told I had some separation. Like I was informed by my dermatologist that I had a mole in the middle of my back. Super. No other info, like "get thyself to physical therapy or you'll have low back pain and spasms after a run that sends you to urgent care where they yell at you that you need surgery to fix your abs." Hells no. That ended one marathon dream, but I was determined to get back to feeling good. After physical therapy, the separation dramatically improved and my back pain went away. I love physical therapy, and wish it was prescribed automatically after having a baby. Things can go really wrong with your body - two years later like me, or 10 years down the road if we don't take the time and put in the work to heal.

After marathon training, my high school friend and Beachbody coach reached out to see what was next for me. I'd been ordering Shakeology from her for awhile. I told her I needed a marathon break, and she told me about 80 Day Obsession. I read about it and signed up for a challenge pack. The workouts looked fun and were focused on strengthening the core and glutes - exactly what I needed. Someone put together the plan. I just need to follow it. I also took the leap and became a coach. I'm learning how to help others find a fitness and nutrition plan that works for them.

One of the things that sold me on 80 Day Obsession was the nutrition piece. Marathon plans give you the workouts, but not the nutrition. That was an area where I wanted more info and guidance. I've always eaten good foods, but knew I was eating too much of some and likely not enough of others (um veggies).

I was hooked when I looked at the foods list. I didn't need to grocery shop to get started. It was a huge list of real foods. The plan uses timed nutrition and tells you what combinations of foods to eat and when. There are different plans for those who need more calories, and there's a vegan plan. You can easily do this all gluten free. That was another post-baby discovery for me - gluten and many other food sensitivities popped up..

The challenge pack I bought included containers (red for protein, green for veggies, etc.). Fill the cups and put the foods together. Done. At first, meal prep was, as my coach put it, like a second job. I've gotten faster since I started in June and discovered some time savers along the way that I plan to share.

I finished 80 Day Obsession a couple of weeks ago. Yes, like a marathon I cried when it was over. And I felt just as proud.

I'm on week three of LIIFT4 and love it. It's weights and HIIT (high intensity interval training), four days a week for 8 weeks. 80 Day is six days per week for 13 weeks (Sundays are rest days and don't count).

Coming out of 80 Day, I was still craving six days of workouts, so I'm taking a couple of the rest days to try other Beach Body workouts. There are 700 or so to choose from - that should keep me from getting bored. I've re-visited some 80 Day Obsession workouts, and tried 21 Day Fix Extreme and 3 Week Yoga Retreat.

I started my fitness journey with Jane Fonda, (insert embarrassed face here) Cher, Tammy Lee Webb, Kathy Smith and many other fitness stars. I never thought I'd get back to videos, but here I am. I love the freedom Beachbody on Demand gives me to always have a morning workout, even when my husband travels. I know I'll have workouts to get me through the next crazy winter here in Minnesota. My morning workout is one of the best parts of my day. 30-60 minutes just for me.

I used to blog about cooking and dining around the Twin Cities with my husband. This became a running blog when I fell in love with long-distance running. After a long pause, I'm back. Back to writing about working out and cooking.  I can't wait to re-read these posts in a year to see where life has taken me...
