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Showing posts from December, 2018

Let Go to Start Fresh

We're almost to the finish line. Just a few days left in 2018. This month, I've spent a lot of time reflecting back on all the good stuff, and all of the challenges of the year. And I've been cleaning. A lot. Partly because the cold germs have hit our house, and partly as a way to let go of the past. I want to welcome 2019 with a fresh start and clear goals. I've cleaned out years of old notebooks from a job I loved long ago, but needed to move on from. I've cleaned out baby clothes and gear I'd held onto, fully accepting that life is perfect as it is. I've donated old clothes of mine that are too big, because I'm only moving forward. I've scrubbed surfaces because eeewww, and unsubscribed from email lists that clutter my inbox daily. Yesterday, we let go of a decade-old laptop. Next to it on a post-it note, I'd written two things in the morning: Backup - laptop and phone Stuff I need - New laptop The laptop officially died before the b...

A Holiday Letter to My Facebook Friends

You’ve seen parts of my life, mainly through cute kid and dog pics. But, I haven’t shared that I officially have a side business. As a virtual coach, I help people reach their fitness and nutrition goals. Until now, I've only talked about this on  Instagram  and my blog, afraid of what people who actually know me might think. That’s kept me from helping others, and prevented me from sharing what’s brought me a lot of joy this year. I've wanted to do something in this arena since I can remember, but didn't think I could. Impostor syndrome is real, people, and it’s time for me to get over it. My husband and his sister inspired me to tell everyone what I’m up to, because they were among the first to join me. I've been dedicated to exercise for most of my life. I've tried a lot of things and reached a lot of goals. My meal planning and prepping keeps our household organized and healthy. My morning routine is solid, filled with activities that make me a better mo...

Setting Goals for 2019

Yesterday was my last day of work for the year at my full-time job. I rarely take more than a day off at a time, so this is major. Now a different kind of work begins. I'll look back at the gratitude journal I kept as part of the #last90dayschallenge. By the end of the year, I'll have 900+ things to look through! This is one practice I'll definitely stick with next year. I'll also look back at accomplishments I've written down throughout the year. I track everything in OneNote, so it syncs on my laptop, tablet and phone. 2018 brought new challenges and opportunities I never saw coming. I need to process what it all means, and use the info to shape my 2019 goals. Instead of focusing on tasks to cross off a list, I'm looking at what brings me joy and a sense of purpose. It's time to pull some dreams down from the attic and make them a reality. Have you taken time to write down all that you've accomplished this year? What are your goals for 2019? ...

Celebrating Success: Reflecting Back on the Year

Do you take time to look back on all that you’ve achieved in a week, a month, or the past year? I’m not so great at this, but I’m putting more effort into it these days. I usually finish a project, or achieve a goal, and I’m on to the next thing. Never stopping to celebrate all of the hard work that went into it. Or to think about the lessons I could learn. What should I do differently? What should I do more of that worked well? Sometimes I get caught up in what I didn’t get done, spending too much energy trying to catch up, or focusing on the “mom fails” of the day. What if we focused instead on the things we did do? Pause. Take a breath, and look back. Think about how much you’ve accomplished this year! It can feel pretty amazing to write it all down. I use OneNote to capture my thoughts so I can look back over several years. What positive things have you done to improve your life? What can you learn? What are you most proud of and why?  How can you do more of tha...

Working Out With a Plan

I posted this story on @amythoey , but wanted to share here as well. Keep reading through the finish line to learn about my Winter Warriors group. And just try not to get that song in your head... Those are my finisher medals and race bibs from 10 marathons, 28 or so half-marathons and countless other races. Okay, not really countless. There's a spreadsheet. Because I’m that girl. My marathon in May was my 80th race. I love looking back at the different cities and states my husband and I have traveled to for races. My list doesn't have three rows dedicated to Boston, but we joke that he's never run as long as I have - in hours anyway. Most years, I'd sit here making a list of all of the races I want to do next year. Things have shifted for me since that marathon. I've changed my goals from miles per week and races to finish. It was time to heal. It was time to build strength in areas I'd neglected for too many years. It was time for new physical and me...

Why Wait Until January?

December is a great time to start working on health and fitness goals. Small changes can really add up. A simple first step is to drink more water. Divide your weight in half. Drink that many ounces of water every day. Keep a log and see how you feel. Make another positive change next week. Take an Epsom salt bath on Sunday night, or add a few more blocks to your morning walk. I've always been committed to exercise, but this summer I realized that I needed to heal some nagging injuries and focus on strength. My body and mind were feeling burned out and bored. My nutrition was hit or miss. Once I decided I was ready to take more positive steps to feeling better, I re-committed to drinking a lot of water. I'm also setting aside time each day for self-care and personal development. I've participated in online accountability groups, and now I'm starting one of my own. I've also completed four "non-running" fitness programs that have changed me inside...