We're leaving Minneapolis tomorrow to run the Las Vegas Half-Marathon on December 2, assuming we get out of here before the snow arrives. I've been running my long runs each week with much success and have enjoyed some really nice Fall weather. My run on Monday when it was 5 degrees and windy was the only exception. My left foot is starting to hurt again though, even when I'm just sitting here. I'm hoping my body lets me finish this race and then I can cut my mileage way back to fully recover before picking a race to run in the Spring. Everything else is feeling great. The folks at Run 'N Fun in St. Paul helped me find the right knee-saving shoes for my rediculously flat little feet. The lungs feel fantastic . . . just that darn foot that is worrying me. I ran 6 miles at the Y on Wednesday and it wasn't bad. Just getting the laces tied comfortably is tricky. I've done more non-running activities this week to stay active, but to give the foot a rest. This sho...
Wife and mom, dedicated to self-care, exercise and healthy eating.