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My Green Crock-Pot & Boeuf Bourguignon

Even though it's been 90 degrees out all week I can tell Fall is on its way. The young maples are starting to turn and the bees are angry because they know they'll freeze to death soon (one stung my running friend's head this morning). I can't wait to turn off the A/C and bundle up in the down comforter. That will have to wait a few more days according to Kare 11's weatherman, Sven.

Fall is my favorite season and it makes me crave hearty soups and stew-like meals. The green crockpot I have is definitely older than I am. It's been in the family for decades and has seen many a Boeuf Bourguignon. Yes, I had to check the spelling of that meal in my handy Rival Crock-Pot cookbook.

It's good to see crock-pot cooking coming back in style. Cooking Light's September issue featured Beef Daube Provencal, which I made last week, and I may buy a new cookbook dedicated to slow cooking.

We bought a half-cow this summer (we filled our entire deep-freeze) and have a whole lotta ribs, roasts, and about a hundred pounds of ground beef just waiting for us to go on a crock-potting bender.

Boef a la Flamade (Beer Braised Beef) Recipe
From Rival's Crock-Pot Cookbook

4 pounds beef chuck, cut in 2" pieces
1/2 c. flour
2 T. salt
2 tsp. paprika
1 tsp. pepper
10-12 whole small onions, peeled
4 strips bacon, cut in small pieces
1 pound fresh mushrooms, sliced or two, 8 ounce cans
1 12-ounce can of beer
1 tsp. sugar
1 T. vinegar
1/2 tsp. dried thyme leaves
1 bay leaf

Thoroughly coat beef cubes w/flour, salt, paprika, and pepper in large bowl. Place onions, bacon, & half of sliced mushrooms in crock-pot. Add floured beef cubes and remaining half of mushrooms. Mix beer with sugar, vinegar, thyme, and bay leaf. Pour into crock-pot. Cover & cook on low for 8-10 hours. Serve over noodles or rice.

To thicken: Make a smooth paste of 3 T. flour mixed with 1/2 c. water. Pour into beef mixture. Turn to High and allow to simmer- about 10 minutes.


  1. Amy, you and I both love our old, original green Crock Pots! Best part is, it still works like a new one!!!

    My problem is I have moved and lost my book of recipes....Including the Boeuf Bourquignon and I was so hoping yrhat was the one I would find in your post.
    Thanks for the cheery post and heres to slow cooking for everyone!!!


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