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Making Time for Travel

Traveling alone certainly has its benefits. Getting away from day-to-day responsibilities. Flying far from sub-zero temps. Stepping away from the regular schedule of rushing place to place, meeting to meeting. Having time to think alone on a plane.

I’ve gotten so many ideas out of my head and into OneNote - challenge group posts, new bathroom and kitchen remodel must-have lists, food journal and gratitude journal entries. I’ve listened to podcasts, taken notes, and set action steps for my coaching business. I’ve even watched home improvement shows I rarely take a break to watch.

My loving hubby got himself and our daughter up crazy early to take me to the airport, knowing it would give us a little time to hold hands and hug goodbye. My daughter was in tears when I hugged her. This would normally shred me, but I need this trip. I’ll return a better mom, refreshed and energized.

I held her little face and kissed her goodbye and told her I’d miss her. I took a deep breath and shut the door.  I blew her a kiss and with a big smile I turned and headed inside the airport.

Within 15 minutes they were home, eating breakfast, and sending me goofy pics with 30 emojis. They’re fine.

A lot of work and planning goes into non-work trips. Coordinating family schedules, booking everything with friends, doing Outlook magic to make my full-time job schedule align, laundry, packing. ALL the things. Was I overwhelmed earlier this week? Oh my yes. Is it all worth it, now that I’m in Arizona with friends? Absolutely.
