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You Can't Outrun the Fork

Yesterday’s long run was 4 miles as I keep easing upwards for a 10K next month. It felt great to hit my favorite trail along the river. I hadn’t added hills yet, so I sprinkled in a few little guys. It was sunny and around 33 with a hefty spring wind. I fueled up with protein, carbs, greens and healthy fat.

A year ago, I had 13 miles, it was 15 degrees, icy, and windy. I likely ate half a bagel with some peanut butter. With the exception of long run days, I rarely ate before a run and wondered why I felt drained. I didn’t understand how to eat for performance.

Now I get it. Exercise is only part of the equation. As a friend recently said, “You can’t outrun the fork!” I’ve learned a lot this past year, and over the next 6 weeks I’m doing a deep dive into nutrition.

I’m learning how to eat to fuel body and mind. It’s a simple approach with real food.

I have 3 spots left in my nutrition cleanup group. Sign up by April 14.

If this speaks to you, fill out this form:


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I'll help you pick the best kit, and add you to the group.

It’s fun to exercise with friends. Why not join a virtual group to learn how to eat better together too?
