But mine always seem to turn out just right, always soft, never overly browned on the bottom. My sister the chef says I instinctively know the exact moment when they need to come out of the oven.
Below I’ve outlined my recipe, handed down for generations (okay, really only 2 generations) that I’ve accidentally perfected.
Have a different recipe you think would blow my recipe away?Send it my way.
Peanut Blossoms
½ tsp. salt1 tsp. baking soda
½ c. sugar + extra for rolling before baking
½ c. packed brown sugar
½ c. vegetable shortening
½ c. natural creamy peanut butter (ingredient list should only contain peanuts & salt)
2 T. milk
1 Egg
1 tsp. vanilla (the real stuff) – I add an “overflowing” teaspoon of vanilla
1 ¾ c. flour – lightly spooned into measuring cup and leveled
Hershey’s Kisses and Hershey’s Hugs
I don’t sift. I don’t cream anything before adding the ingredients. I just throw it all into the KitchenAid mixer with the paddle attachment. I do usually add the flour at the end though, just a little at a time to avoid a mess.
Pour about ½ c. white sugar into a bowl. Pinch batter and roll it in your hands to form small balls.
Roll in the sugar to completely coat and put on baking sheet.Bake @ 350 for approximately 7-10 minutes, watching carefully beginning right at 7 for the slightest hint of browning on top.
Once I see browning I take them out of the oven.
Immediately press unwrapped Kiss or Hug into the middle of each cookie. After cooling 2-3 minutes transfer to wire cooling racks.

This year I went with milk chocolate, dark chocolate (these weren’t great), and the Hugs. Hugs always take home the blue ribbon at our house. The hugs don’t hold their shape quite as well, but they stay softer than the milk or dark chocolate. When they’re melty they’re especially delish.
Happy baking!
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