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Care Packages

Opening the mail just isn't as fun as it once was . . . bills, credit card offers that fill my shredder, newspaper ads from stores I never visit.

I remember being at Iowa State and getting that little slip of paper in my mailbox every so often telling me to stop by and pick up a package-a much needed box from little Laurie.

My mom always knew just what I needed - unexpected little goodies:
Mac & Cheese, Rice Crispy Treats
Holiday decorations for Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day
Basically stocking stuffers for any occasion.

She even sent Mark care packages while he was in Rome for a semester.

At this time of year I always think a lot about college. Good times . . . but I'd never go back!

Most appreciated care package items for college students (or anyone):
  • Stamps
  • Quarters for Laundry
  • Recipes (family favorites) + some of the ingredients
  • Coffee or hot chocolate packets (& marshmallows)
  • Lined pads of paper with magnets to stick on the fridge
  • Chip clips
  • Post-it Notes & Tape Flags
  • Gum
  • Goldfish crackers
  • Monster cookies
  • A handwritten note
  • Microwave popcorn (Mark's making some right now)
  • Pictures from when you were a kid
  • New socks
  • Nail polish / nail file / toe separators
  • Chapstick or lip gloss
  • Deodorant
  • Favorite magazines
  • A basic cookbook
  • A mixed tape (okay dating myself - I mean, CD)
  • Multivitamins to avoid the flu
  • Throat lozenges for when they forget to take multivitamin
  • Granola bars
  • Peanuts
  • Wasabi peas
