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Love My New Cuisinart!

My dad bought me a fancy Cuisinart Food Processor. Very exciting! Tonight I made the basil pesto recipe out of the manual to try something different and it's fantastic! I froze it in 4 containers to use later.

My second Cuisinart attempt was to grind the flax seed I accidentally bought whole. I normally buy Bob's Red Mill Organic Flaxseed Meal & mix it in with my yogurt, but must not have been paying attention at Target.

Failure on the grinding. It just wouldn't cut through the little guys.

I did a some reading online about ground vs. whole, but couldn't seem to find reliable sources to answer these questions:

  1. What's the best way to grind flax seed?
  2. Is ground flax better than whole? Or, Is there value in eating both versions?


  1. The best way to grind flax seeds is in a coffee grinder- though there are a few spice grinders on the market that will do the trick. Fresh flaxseed meal is the best, but most of the brands-like Bob's-are pretty fresh on the shelf and should be fine (check the date). Hope that helps. I love my little cuisinart too- makes the whole world of chopping so much easier!

  2. Thanks Cassidy! I'm glad to hear the ground kind is okay. It's so easy!


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