I'm certainly slacking with this blog lately and it seems to have turned into a running blog rather than a food blog over the past several posts. I'm hoping to get back into writing more about each as they've both become so important to me. We did eventually make it to Las Vegas for the half-marathon and it was a blast! We were delayed (very delayed) and I had a cold by the time we arrived, but somehow I managed to run a great race. I shaved 12 minutes off my October half-marathon time. My voice was 7 octaves higher than the day before due to my cold, but I was so excited when I finished the race. I've never had that same feeling before. Now Mark and I are heading to Duluth in June to run Grandma's! I had no intention of ever running a full marathan, that is, until my great race in Vegas. That's the thing about running. You start out, never really knowing where it may lead. Then all of a sudden you're into it. You buy the right shoes for your curiously flat ...
Wife and mom, dedicated to self-care, exercise and healthy eating.