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Stop Rushing Through Life

Woman sitting on yoga mat on a dock with sailboats in the background.
I'm in a hurry to get things done⁣
Oh I rush and rush until life's no fun…⁣
You know that song, right?⁣

In May, I left 20 years of full-time work to start my own business.⁣
AND to slow down.⁣
To stop rushing all the time.⁣
To enjoy summer.⁣
Get out on my kayak, and swim.⁣
Spend more time with family and friends.⁣
But have I? Sort of…⁣
I'm definitely a work in progress.⁣

Hurrying's been my way of life for decades.⁣
As my career grew, my calendar began to overflow with meetings.⁣
Add the mom stuff made me hurry even more.⁣
Daycare pickup.⁣ Then school drop-off and pick-up.⁣
Gymnastics, swimming, coach pitch…Doctors, dentists, cleaning and groceries.⁣
Running to the train to get to a meeting or to get to my daughter on time.⁣

Thinking about it makes my heart palpitate. ⁣

Lately, I've found myself rushing again.⁣
And I don't want to pass that stress and hurrying on to my little girl.⁣
Change takes time and persistence.⁣

Soon we're going on our annual vacation. I'll use that as a reset.⁣
To slow things down.⁣
To think about what's going well 2 months in to this new life.⁣
And to set some goals for living in the present.⁣

Do you find yourself in a constant state of hurrying?
What strategies work to slow things down in your life?
