Do you have a picky eater in your house? My daughter was never picky at home or at daycare. She ate everything with few complaints. We felt lucky she liked healthy foods…and we'd been warned it could change in an instant. Then it happened. Kindergarten. Suddenly crusts were a thing. Dinnertime meltdowns started at a glance of the plate. What happened?? This is a phase, right? Last night, she was less than thrilled at the sight of Cauliflower Fried Rice. I'm not sure I would've been at 6 either. When she started eating, she said, "Okay, mom. This is pretty good." I'll take it. We won't give up on healthy eating. We're not making something else to avoid conflict. Dealing with the challenges now will set her up to make good choices later. When she eats healthy, real foods, she's more focused and ready to learn. She has better energy for swimming, gymnastics, running, and all the fun things. I started a new nutrition program this month with...
Wife and mom, dedicated to self-care, exercise and healthy eating.