After a little over a month off (sort of) since Grandma's Marathon, we've reserved our flights, hotel, and registered online for the December 7 Las Vegas Marathon! I'm actually looking forward to getting back into a regular training program. I've been running sporadically a few times per week since Grandma's and Mark's been running about once per week. We did the Boston Scientific 10K on Saturday. It was a great race and we both set PR's for the distance (my time even included a sprint to the porta pottie at mile 4 - mental note: arrive earlier to next race to avoid bladder emergencies). We're hoping to recruit some of our friends to come run with us or to cheer us on and celebrate afterwards. Hopefully they can make it! 20,000 runners - 250,000+ spectators - There couldn't possibly be anything this exciting happening in Minneapolis in early December.
Wife and mom, dedicated to self-care, exercise and healthy eating.